TJ Sokol Rozstání



Komentáře k článku

YGdc9Voa napsal (22.11.2014 21:18):

God, I feel like I sholud be takin notes! Great work

qoZnzRPX7 napsal (24.11.2014 12:48):

A few years ago I'd have to pay someone for this inofrmation.

iCas4uv5sNto napsal (26.11.2014 19:01):

Franta trochu asi ustřelil ne? Šochy je nejen vfdbornfd hre1č, ale i velmi itneligetnned. V hlavě to me1 velmi srovnane9 a poseldned co je, tak že by měl bfdt namistrovanej. Co jsme viděl Jablonec v posledned sezf3ně, tak tam dlouho nevydržed. Nebude ho to bavit. Brzy se snad vre1ted do extraligy. Můj tip 70% Chodov 30% Bolka. Liberec mu neme1 co nabeddnout a bude se ple1cat dole a v Bolce pracuje. Ale spedš to videdm na ten Chodov. Snad se vre1ted už v zimě

j9gzNXNu napsal (28.11.2014 10:12):

From Ivan Lovegren:Some thoughts -My first iiionnatcln after reading Bob's initial post was to want to mention how ironic the entire cycle is the moment I heard the Fray I couldn't decide whether they were the first secular Lifehouse or Switchfoot product of the studio system. It is funny that those two clearly Christian bands (Lifehouse started out playing churches in high school) should spawn a group that Christianity wouldn't pick up on until well over a year into their secular radio success, when they were a clone of originally Christian bands who had found pop success.In response to some (most) of the other comments -To begin with, I think in any kind of discussion like this, we need to avoid labeling any particular band or style as bad music. Just because Nickelback doesn't appeal to us, and those with any knowledge of guitar, rock music, or memory of their last three radio songs can recognize the simplicity and repetitiveness of their music, they still do appeal to a certain (dominant) niche of music listeners, and therefore should be viewed as a power rather than a waste of time. We should be finding ways to make the average listener more aware of quality music instead of bashing on anything unoriginal or formulaic. Heck, The Fray themselves are (as mentioned) a simple amalgamation of Switchfoot, Lifehouse, Five for Fighting, and even John Mayer. So if we are going to discuss these issues of pop versus meaningful music, we should speak ABOUT, not AGAINST, any particular style (i.e. don't bash Tonic!).Yes, Christian or Safe radio is a business. I love what Kris M said about the driving forces behind the industry being the same as in secular radio. Why do we expect them to be different? Do we expect the Christian business directory plumber to charge us less than the secular plumber, or to do a perfect job? No, we call him because we are choosing where to place our business, not because we think he or she is going

Dennisfut napsal (30.04.2019 02:16):

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Dennisfut napsal (09.05.2019 20:13):

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Spartak Rychnov311.
FK Arsenal Česká Lípa "B"302.
TJ Jiskra Mimoň243.
TJ Mšeno - Jablonec n.N234.
TJ Tatran Bílý Kostel225.
SK Studenec226.
TJ Sokol Doubí218.
TJ Tatran Jablonné179.
SK Victory Jilemnice1310.
TJ Sokol Ruprechtice1111.
SK Semily912.
SK VTJ Rapid Liberec713.
TJ Slovan Vesec714.
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StřelecPočet gólů
Jíra Marek (Mára)10
Dobrovolný Jakub (Dobras)7
Jarý Vojtěch (Vojta)4
Žoček Jakub (Žoky)4
Bolina Dominik (Dominik)2
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A mužstvo
Ne 18.8.14:00ROZSTÁNÍSemily
So 24.8.17:00RychnovROZSTÁNÍ
Ne 1.9.14:00ROZSTÁNÍJablonné
So 7.9.17:00JilemniceROZSTÁNÍ
Ne 15.9.14:00ROZSTÁNÍRapid Liberec
Ne 22.9.16:30StudenecROZSTÁNÍ
Ne 29.9.14:00ROZSTÁNÍVesec A
So 5.10.10:00Bílý Kostel AROZSTÁNÍ
Ne 13.10.14:00ROZSTÁNÍMimoň
So 19.10.15:30RuprechticeROZSTÁNÍ
Ne 27.10.14:00ROZSTÁNÍMšeno JBC
So 2.11.15:30Česká Lípa BROZSTÁNÍ
So 9.11.15:00Doubí AROZSTÁNÍ
B mužstvo
So 17.8.14:00ROZSTÁNÍ BVišňová B
Ne 25.8.17:00Vesec BROZSTÁNÍ B
Ne 1.9.17:30Doubí BROZSTÁNÍ B
Ne 8.9.14:00ROZSTÁNÍ BMachnín
So 14.9.16:00BulovkaROZSTÁNÍ B
So 21.9.14:00ROZSTÁNÍ BKrásný Les
So 28.9.16:00HejniceROZSTÁNÍ B
Ne 6.10.14:00ROZSTÁNÍ BVratislavice
So 12.10.10:30Frýdlant BROZSTÁNÍ B
Ne 20.10.14:00ROZSTÁNÍ BBílý Kostel B
So 26.10.14:30Stráž n.NROZSTÁNÍ B
Ne 3.11.14:00ROZSTÁNÍNové Město
So 9.11.13:00RynolticeROZSTÁNÍ B
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